Moroccan Lottery launches tender for next operator licence

La Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports (MDJS) has launched an international call for tenders as it seeks a new operator for the Moroccan National Lottery
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La Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports (MDJS) has launched an international call for tenders as it seeks a new operator for the Moroccan National Lottery.

Initially offering an eight-year contract, MDJS aims to have an operator in place before January 1, 2023, to manage the north African country’s lottery, sports betting and other games activities.

The offering is split into two calls for tenders, separating the lottery operations from sports betting and other gaming activities.

Encouraging bids, MDJS published a statement reading: “The Call for Tenders is for the first batch of fixed-odds sports betting and mutual betting, including betting on virtual competitions, with the exception of betting on horse and greyhound racing. 

“As for the second lot, it concerns lotteries, instant lotteries of a sporting nature, as well as raffles. Tenderers are also free to submit a tender for a single lot or for both lots. They may also be declared successful tenderers of two lots or of a single lot.”

MDJS notified stakeholders that the opening of the tender is scheduled for April 4 at 10am from its headquarters in Casablanca. 

The public company stated that any bid must be made considering the local regulations, issued in all relevant documents. 

Concluding its notice, MDJS stated: “Bidders may deliver their offers against receipt to the head office address, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by letter sent by any express courier service.”