The federal government of Nigeria is clamping down on errant lottery operators, threatening to revoke the licence of those that do not pay all of their outstanding liabilities.
As reported by Vanguard, the lottery and gaming industry has recently witnessed a ‘boom’ in Nigeria, creating an influx of jobs and increasing the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The government, in collaboration with the National Lottery Trust Fund (NLTF), has also launched a ‘back to school jump start’ project in Lagos with the theme “No School Left Behind”.
Dr. George Akume, Minister of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, commented: “We have a clear vision to transform the lottery in this country and the current exercise to automate tax collections through the deployment of a Central Monitoring System is meant to strengthen revenue generation, promote standards and enhance the regulatory oversight in the industry.
“I, therefore, appeal to all stakeholders including the National Assembly to support the effort of the government in making this flagship project a reality for the nation.
“In the same vein, the government has taken proactive steps by recovering outstanding liabilities due from the sector, whilst also ensuring prompt remittances from operators and permit holders in line with the extant law.
“On this note, let me urge all licences and permit-holders to without further delay pay up their outstanding liabilities or risk revocation of their licences and permits.”