Paraguay's Social Welfare and Assistance Department has requested Conajzar to resolve the licensing process of the quiniela

Paraguayan authorities urged to accelerate quiniela’s licensing process

The Social Welfare and Assistance Department (DIBEN) from Paraguay, through its Head Carmen Alonso, has requested the local gambling regulator Conajzar to resolve the...
Deputy Vinícius Cirqueira has unveiled a bill that would allow the Brazil state Goiás to have multiple lottery licenses, operated 'directly by the State'.

Brazilian lotteries contribute to Olympic sports

The Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) will distribute in 2021 around $28m in resources from Law 13,756, also known as Lottery Law. This figure represents...

Nationale Loterij to separate online accounts for lottery and sports betting

Nationale Loterij, the Dutch National Lottery, has announced it will be separating online accounts for lottery and sports betting. Starting from March 1, 2021, Nationale...
Costa Rica's Social Protection Board has discussed a 25% income tax on lottery prizes, looking at how it would affect the country's legal gambling.

Costa Rican authorities reject new tax on lottery prizes

Representatives from Costa Rica have rejected the tax on lottery prizes proposed by President Carlos Alvarado. His plan wanted to subject lottery prizes to...
Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado's project to introduce a tax on lottery prizes has been approved in a multi-sector dialogue table this week.

Costa Rica President Carlos Alvarado proposes new tax on lottery prizes

Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado has suggested the introduction of a new tax on lottery prizes. At the eight dialogue table of the Executive...

Age, access and value: areas of key concern for the UK National Lottery

When the first UK National Lottery licence was awarded to Camelot in 1994, few would have envisaged how it has grown into the gaming...

Brazilian deputy urges lottery implementation in Amazonas

Brazilian Deputy Adjuto Afonso has explained why it would be beneficial to implement a state lottery in Amazonas as the recent decision from the...

Dominican National Lottery to review its processes to boost transparency

The Dominican National Lottery will be going through a transformation process to improve transparency and efficiency throughout the organization by the instructions of President...

Jari Vähänen: Lotteries should be more responsible operators

There seems to be a general perception among lottery companies that the lottery business is fundamentally a responsible activity and, in every way, better...

Spain’s state-run lotteries to be exempt from advertising restrictions

Spain’s state-run lotteries will be exempt from the Spanish government’s incoming restrictions on gambling advertising, a move that the European Gaming and Betting Association...

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