Spillemyndigheden, the Danish Gambling Authority, has launched a new national campaign promoting its ROFUS self-exclusion gambling service.
Launched this month across social media and TV networks, the campaign reminds Danish consumers of their rights to ask licensed operators to ‘take-a-break’ and self-exclude from all gambling engagements.
Reforms made to the Danish Gambling Act in 2018 insisted that all licensed online gambling operators refer self-excluded customers to be registered with the centralised ROFUS database managed by Spillemyndigheden.
ROFUS requirements were further strengthened in 2019, as new advertising standards demanded that online operators promote ROFUS self-exclusion as part of their safer gambling messaging duties.
During the summer, Danish operators launched ‘Spilreklamenævnet’, an independently managed advertising complaints board as a method of improving the standards of gambling adverts in relation to keeping users playing responsibly.
Spilreklamenævnet establishment formed part of a new ‘code of conduct’ observed by Danish licensed operators including Danske Spil, Elite Gaming, Dansk Automat Brancheforening and Dansk Kasinoforenin.
Spilreklamenævnet warned William Hill online casino subsidiary, Mr Green, of breaching code of conduct rules for promoting its TV campaigns during the past Christmas period, marking its first-ever ruling.