National Lottery Community Fund ‘secures’ homelessness charity future

As reported by the Daily Gazette Standard,  homelessness charity Emmaus Colchester has secured a grant of almost £100,000 courtesy of the National Lottery Community Fund to help provide accommodation and support for its members.

Totalling £99,852, the sum forms part of the National Lottery Community Fund’s emergency support package that aims to help groups deal with the impacts of COVID-19, and is set to help relieve some of the demands currently being placed on the charity who has seen its finances become extremely strained during the pandemic.

Denise King, Chief Executive Officer of Emmaus Colchester, stated: “Our business model means as a charity we are normally self-sufficient, but during lockdown we have not received the level of income which enables us to cover our accommodation, food and support costs.

“This award means we are able to continue to provide emotional and practical help to our companions, giving them the opportunity to gain new skills and move on when they are ready.

“We are grateful to the National Lottery as it means we can secure our home. Thanks to the Government for making this happen.”

Due to the spread of COVID-19 and the resulting enforced lockdown which followed, Emmaus Colchester was forced to look for new ways to bring in income due to its stores being closed for several months. 

As a result, the organisation began selling items online over the Instagram social media vertical which resulted in a sizable increase in online sales.

King added: “While we are not out of the woods yet, I would like to personally thank all of our customers who have supported us during the lockdown and who have returned to our shops since they’ve reopened.

“I’d like to reassure everyone we are taking the necessary measures to ensure our shops remain Covid secure.”