The Provincial Institute of Lottery and Casinos of the Province (IPLyC) of Buenos Aires held a meeting last week with the authorities of the Chamber of Official Agents of Lottery and Related from Buenos Aires (CAOLAB), to discuss relevant issues regarding the restart of activities in the jurisdiction.
“We went through a harsh lockdown in our sector, it was necessary to develop and work along with the authorities of this administration. We deal with issues that came up during the quarantine period, given the needs that we currently have. We can discuss other issues throughout the year,” pointed out the President of CAOLAB, Marcelo Iglesias.
The authorities discussed the modification of the draw schedules, under a proposal that would set the evening draw at 5pm and the night draw at 8pm. It would also increase the commissions from the Quiniela and Poceados draws.
In addition, they addressed the lack of funds in the agents’ account to cover expenses, and asked for the system to not count them this year. CAOLAB also disagreed with the credits from the Banco Provincia for lotteries, due to the requirements and the established rate.
In addition, Iglesias said that he discussed the validation dates of the prizes, in order to recover a percentage for the lottery agents, and requested that the procedures from 2020 be passed to 2021.
The lottery agencies in the province of Buenos Aires reopened on May 29, with the requirement to comply with the ‘Safety, Hygiene and Health Protocol’ approved by resolution No. 68/2020 of the IPLyC.
The reopening follows on from an approved request by the Chief of Staff of the Buenos Aires Province as well as the support from the mayors, who have asked every agency to comply with the health standards and protocols established by each municipality.