A new agreement has been reached in Denmark that will relax the rules on charity lotteries in voluntary associations.
The government-backed deal, agreed in conjunction with all parties of the Danish Parliament, will simplify the rules and remove duties on prizes.
Jeppe Bruus, Minister for Taxation, commented: “The agreement is first and foremost a helping hand to the many voluntary associations in Denmark, who think that bingo and other lotteries are a good way of raising funds for charitable causes.
“The rules become simpler and the duties on winnings are removed. With the agreement, we do away with a number of outdated rules that were a nuisance to many associations. We open up for several new opportunities and remove cumbersome requirements.”
The move will ensure a simpler and easier process for voluntary associations when they are attempting to raise funds for themselves or for good causes, such as running a lottery.
The Danish Gambling Authority has also received new supervisory powers as a result of an agreement that strengthens and supports the campaign against match-fixing.
Gambling operators who offer betting services are required to report signs or suspicions of match-fixing.
Bruus added: “The gambling operators are already making an effort today, but now we are tightening the requirements for them further, so that they become even more active participants in the fight against match-fixing.”