Brazilian congressman proposes inclusion of CPFs in Caixa lotteries

Congressman José Airton Cirilo has presented a bill that seeks to include the Natural Persons Register (CPF) in all Caixa Econômica Federal lottery draws.
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Congressman José Airton Cirilo has presented a bill that seeks to include the Natural Persons Register (CPF) in all lottery draws administered by Caixa Econômica Federal. The goal is for Brazilian people to be able to collect prizes regardless of whether they have the winning ticket or not.

As detailed by BNL Data, the text of the project says that “the absence of the printed ticket will not cause any harm to the player, the only necessary step is to confirm the player’s CPF number.”

The CPF is a taxpayer registry identification used for most financial transactions and it can be attributed to citizens, residents and tourists in the country if they apply for it.

This initiative arises after a prize of 162.2m reais from Mega da Virada wasn’t claimed. The bill delivered to the Chamber of Deputies would back up people who lose the ticket or forget about the draw since the identification number would be linked to the ticket purchase.

Airton Cirilo proposed that the person in charge of the sale of the ticket be the one who registers the player’s CPF. Additionally, the prize would only be paid to the CPF number holder or their lawyer, as long as the latter has the necessary authorization.

Furthermore, the congressman explained that Caixa reported 17.1bn reais in bets and 5.9bn in paid prizes in 2020, which represents a record for local lotteries.

“The amount collected, what social [programs] received and the prizes consolidate the relevance and importance of the social role that lotteries have in Brazil,” said the congressman.

“In addition to being a fundamental part of our strategy to grow and maintain public policies in the country, lotteries make people’s dreams possible through millionaire prizes.”