The plenary session of the Brazilian Senate has approved a project that proposes the allocation of a 3% of Caixa and Lotex’s lottery revenue in 2021 to the National Tourism Program.
This law is part of the Emergency Program to Restart the Events Sector (Perse).
As reported by BNL Data, the modifications to Project 5,638/2020, which were made by the rapporteur Senator Daniella Ribeiro, will now be reviewed by the Chamber of Deputies in order to move forward.
This project sets that ‘in 2021, the amount equivalent of 3% of the participation in the proceeds from the revenues of lotteries’ referred to in several articles of the Law ‘will be used for emergency actions for the events sector and tourism service providers resulting from the effects of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.’
The extension for debt terms for companies in the events and tourism sectors with the country’s Tax Authorities is also included in the package of measures contemplated by the Senate.
Additionally, it is also considering 60 months of zero rate in PIS/Pasep taxes, Cofins, Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL) and Companies (IRPJ).
Senator Ribeiro indicated that the project was debated with the Executive, especially with the Ministry of Economy, while the government leader in the Senate, Fernando Bezerra Coelho, warned about the economic crisis that these sectors are facing.