It has been revealed that authorities within the Argentine province of Buenos Aires are considering going back on their plan to reopen phases of the economy due to a spike in COVID-19 cases within the jurisdiction.
Lottery agencies, which were exempted from quarantine in the previous phase, have now been warned of the impending possible re-closure and how this could affect them.
In a note addressed to the president of the Provincial Institute of Lottery and Casinos (IPLyC) Omar Galdurralde, the Chamber of Official Agents of Lottery and Related Buenos Aires (CAOLAB) requested that lottery agencies be exempted from any restrictions including ‘social, preventive and compulsory isolation’.
As an alternative possibility, CAOLAB proposed that they allow activity in areas where there are no infections to ‘form a financial aid fund for those that must close, and in the event that the above is not possible, the system of raffles continues to be offered in order to opt for commercialisation of the same under the format of delivery, take away, or similar”.
Marcelo Iglesias, president of CAOLAB, said: “The most important thing is to highlight the character of Lottery Agencies in raising funds that go directly to the tax coffers and that are so necessary in these times of economic tribulation, given that they generate legitimate resources that are destined for the well-being of Buenos Aires citizens in general, since they provide direct and indirect sources of work, constituting a sales network that expands economic activity towards an even greater universe ”.
In addition, Iglesias highlighted that since its authorisation, the agencies have tidily complied with the health protocol established by the IPLyC, for the care of both the public and that of the employees.