The Spanish National Organization for the Blind (ONCE) has resumed its “Cuponazo”, “Fin de Semana” and daily draws, after a few months with no activity due to the state of emergency in Spain.
According to the organization, the restart of activities kicked off with a special collection of 46.5 million coupons, “one per citizen, to recognize society’s current efforts and to thank those who have been essential in the fight against COVID-19 with their work.”
ONCE also announced that the extraordinary Father’s Day draw, which has been delayed by the health emergency, will be held on June 21, while on June 24 there will be a special draw for Día de San Juan, and on August 15, the Sorteo Extra de Verano.
“Throughout the confinement, ONCE has looked after the well-being of its more than 72,000 members. Thus, it launched a guide of essential recommendations to guarantee that personal, economic and social activity is safe for the impaired people during this period,” said ONCE.
In addition, the authorities said that the guide answers to concerns raised by the organization’s professionals who are in charge of “attention and autonomy services.”
“The organization launched basic care teams in all its operational centers, including social workers, psychologists, teachers, technicians and volunteers to provide help for everyone, with the goal of monitoring their situation and facilitating any type of support that they might need in these moments of isolation, such as psychological support or to cover basic needs like food or medicine,” they added.
On May 28 the organization resumed printing and distributing tickets in order for vendors to have the required material this week.
On the other hand, the Spanish lottery and betting regulator (SELAE) restarted the Primitiva, Euromillions, Bonoloto and Fordo de la Primitiva draws in late May.